Beatriz Villela

Conference 2024 Poster

Poster Title

The relation between cervical cytology and cervical cancer in Brazil between 2018 and 2022

Authors and Affiliations

Beatriz de Carvalho Villela 1
Arthur Santos Lima 1
Rafael Carneiro de Lelis1
1 Bahiana School of Medicine and Health,



Cervical cancer is the third most prevalent malignancy among women globally. Key preventive measures encompass completing the recommended vaccination series, standardized screening, and sexual education. In Brazil, it is recommended for women aged 25 to 64, with a 3-year interval between screenings. The objective of this study is to compare the number of cytology tests and cervical cancer diagnoses in Brazil, analyzing potential disparities between pandemic periods.


Descriptive cross-sectional study of cervical cancer diagnoses and cytology tests conducted between 2018 and 2023, based on data from the Cancer Information System (SISCAN).


During this period, 31,400,320 cytology tests were conducted and 91,722 cervical câncer was done. Only 0.29% of the total cytologies resulted in a diagnosis. A notable reduction (56.6%) in the number of cytologies was observed between 2019 and 2020. The lowest number of diagnoses occurred in 2018, totaling 14,860. When comparing these two variables, it is evident that 2018 had the lowest proportion of diagnoses per cytology (0.22%), while 2020 had the highest proportion at 0.45%.


During the pandemic, a decrease in the number of cytology tests is observed, but this does not reflects on a reduction of cervical cancer diagnoses. Consequently, we may hypothesize that during this period occured an improved sample collection or that individuals with higher risk factors continued to undergo regular examinations. Considering this, it is imperative to investigate the disparity between the necessity of cytology tests based on the population’s risk factors and to ensure the accurate collection of materials sent for analysis.